Animation research into style
Stop Motion - Paper Effect
After looking thought a list of animated title sequences, intros and short films. I have looked at;
DEADLINE post-it stop motion
Paper animation, stop motion, snoeck - down here with me
Paper Pour Feliciter 2010!
Stop motion with Cut Paper
Alice In Wonderland Stop Motion
As I was looking through these short films I have taken a particular interest in the paper effect, as in all of the films that used paper effect these were my favourites and is the most effective in my opinion. As the target audience which my title sequence is going to be aimed at is children, a paper stop motion effect title sequence would work the best and will be the most effective, with children also taking an interest. The idea of creating a paper effect title sequence also appeals to me and would also look great edited within the animation programmes.
Paper animation, stop motion, snoeck - down here with me
This short film which was found on You Tube this shows a paper created world which moves. I have taken an interest in this type of effect as after researching these are the type of effects appeal to me the most. This was due to the great detail shown, in the first few seconds of this short film. Which starts off with moving cars where detail has been drawn in a thin black pen, which also helps to show movement on the cars, with the great detail which has been created.
Paper animation, stop motion, snoeck - down here with me
Paper Pour Feliciter 2010!
This is another short film which I found on You Tube in compression to the last, this film is only a few seconds long but is very effective. The film basically shows a moose which has been cut out from a page in a book and then starts to walk across the pages in the book, I found that this basic filmed worked very well especially with using a book, which is an aspect which I had already looked at in the title sequence for the 'United States of Tara.'
Paper Pour Feliciter 2010!
Stop motion with Cut paper
This is a very different style of short film which uses different types of paper being newspaper and black paper which has been cut into shapes such as trees and clouds. This short film focuses on one double piece of newspaper with objects cut out of black paper, the shot is then zoomed towards the balloon which then turns into a tree. A girl then makes a swing on the tree, after this the tree is shown to loose its leaves and looks like the tree is dying. The tree is then cut down by a man and houses now appear, which then turns into a city where birds take away one building and the others fall down. This is a very simple method and idea but works very well and effectively on the page.
Stop motion with Paper cut.
Out of these three short films all use the paper effect, this is were paper has been used within these short films. As this is the direction I have aim to go down and the style which I am going to take to create the title sequence which is the main task of this project. As this effect is simple but still works extremely well in all three of these videos, i believe this will work well to create a title sequence which will also will appeal to children. My favourite short film is the first called Paper animation, stop motion, snoeck - down here with me, due to the fast changing action shown although woks the best is stop motion, because, this will impact me by
Sand animation
Sand Animation - Ukraine's Got Talent Final
After looking at other types of animation and ways to present my title sequence I was directed towards sand animation. After researching on the Internet on YouTube I found the 'Sand Animation' which was shown on Ukraine's got talent final. Which shows the movement of sand on a light up board which emphasise were the sand has been moved to create shapes and form. This video below is also so powerful that it shows the images coming to life.Sand Animation - Ukraine's Got Talent Final
Любимой! My Love!
Another sand animation I found is shown below, which shows a bird being created out of sand first, by first putting basic shapes of sand down and then moved the shapes around to create the effect of the bird. The effects of a sea, sand and other birds such as seagulls. The person then moves the sand which also creates a 3D and more realistic effect. the sea is then changes into a river showing how the element of sand can vary, more birds are then created with sand then put in the background like a cloud effect. Sand is then thrown over the piece of work, which gives a dramatic effect to this piece, which then ends up being the sand pushed from right to left and then dragged upwards to clear the space showing the end of this piece and video.
Любимой! My Love!
NO CORRAS TANTO de César Díaz Meléndez
This video is my favourite out of the three shown, as I have previously looked at paper effect - stop motion videos, which I had taken an interest in but this was not realistic option to use for the title sequence which I am going to create. This short film is a series of photos which have been edited together to make them flow. This film starts with the words of 'No Corras Tanto,' Which then disappeared and then coloured sand is used.
NO CORRAS TANTO de César Díaz Meléndez
Development of ideas
The main development of my ideas and why my ideas have mad so much progress is because I have carried out more research and found a stop motion with is in a spooky and scary style, which could influence my greatly when drafting ideas and drawing story boards.
Bela and Boris - Stop motion
Bela and Boris is a spooky black and white themed stop motion which starts off in a grave yard going through all of the graves, which then progresses to what looks like a door with three bars across which moves in a swirl formation which makes the audience think that they are going dizzy. The camera then goes through the door and swirls with a black and white swirl in the background, which then changes to a house and then a cat running along a wall. Which relates directly to the Mona the Vampire original title sequence, this then cuts to a scene from a house with a man appearing out of a coffin which turns into what looks like a castle on a hill. Another coffin then appears on the page which then opens and a vampire emerges from this. The vampires then walks down stairs and appears in a door way. Which moves towards the camera with a lady vampire then appearing on the screen. The camera zooms into a window and then through a forest which then focus on a tree and you appear in the forest at the swirl again.
Bela and Boris - stop motion
Wire Bat
Another idea which I had for my title sequence is to make a wore bat like the bat below then take pictures of this bat as it moves slightly to show the bat showing when all the picture have been put together on movie maker, I could also try to make the bat move and film it. I have tried to make a bat out of wire a few times but this has not been very successful, this is mostly because of the wire I have used is very flexible but also breaks very easily. I research on the Internet wore bats and the photo showed below is the ideas which I followed, when trying to make the wire bat.
The next idea I had after carrying out research was a flick book, after seeing this style on many television shows as the title sequence, I have found that it works well. An example where this work well is the oping title sequence for the Unites States of Tara this starts with a book which is opened then the character Tara jumps from page to page showing you different aspect of her life. After trying to create my own, this idea was not as successful as it could be due to a video would have to be taken, which I do not have the technology for. I also do not have equipment to edited a video only photos.
United States of Tara