Time Management Plan

Friday 16th September 


19th to 25th September
Research into similar Products
     - Write about 3 interesting title sequences, then why this would not be possible.
     - Initial ideas in spider diagram form
     - Introduce auxiliary tasks
     - Choose 3 children’s TV dramas, talk about one in detail then explain further how    can be adapted for me to make a title sequence
     - Initial ideas for; location, style, content interviews, scenes, characters, audiences
     - Analyse DVD and magazine covers
26th to 2nd October
Research into similar products
     - Why have you chosen this brief?
     - What skills will you draw upon?
     - What interest do you have in this area?
     - What angle will you be coming from?
     - How does this differ from AS?
     - Create DVD and magazine layouts

3rd to 9th October
Potential Target audience/Research
Initial research
     - Who are you aiming your production at? Why?
     - Why do you think there is a need for your product?
     - What do you hope to achieve?
     - How do you know the topic and treatment is appropriate?
     - Do you already have some knowledge and opinions about this area?
     - Is this a subject I have a strong emotional connection with?
     - What is unusual or interesting about it?

10th to 16th October
Potential Target Audience/Research
     - List all possible content for you production
     - Draft ideas to include for different target audiences
     - Make a list of all supporting resources
     - List visuals that illustrate the brief
     - Can you sum your production up in one sentence? What is your exposition?

17th to 23rd October
Actors, characters, interviews, subjects
     - List and explain actors, characters with picture
     - Stereotype characters, mood boards
     - Experiments with animation
     -Animation research and development 

24th to 30th October
Locations, costumes, props, photos
     - Write about ideas, include photos and basic animations
     - Mood boards
     - Experiences with animation

31st to 6th November
Mock-ups, short lists, drafting
     - Draw out and write about mock-ups of existing title sequences
     - Shortlist options
     - Draft final options
     - Experiences with animation
     - Storyboards 

7th to 13th November
Scripting, storyboards
     - Already existing scripting, write about and analyse
     - Draw story boards and options
     - Final storyboards

14th to 20th November
Production of title sequence

21st to 27st November
Production of title sequences
Ancillary task
- Magazine cover

28th to 4th December
Ancillary tasks
- DVD cover

5th to 11th December
Edit blog
Improvements to production and auxiliary tasks

12 to 18th December

The time plan above shows the order of the tasks which I need to carried out and create work for. This gives an outline of how long each of these tasks which need to be carried out will take, which are ranging from research, audience feedback and the making of the products.