Wednesday 19th October
Shortlists options
The short list options which I am thought of are listed below;
Idea 1 - put tissue paper under the sand but on top of the box to show a different colour such as pruple as this is used in the mona th vampire title sequence and already exsiitng show, with other bright colours are also used. However the convention of all these bright colours caould be changelled by only using balck and white or one colour, such as purple to draw peoples attention, to this title sequence, epsically as it is aimed at children.
Idea 2 - black sand, animation
Idea 3 - sugar as thinner, would be easier and quicker to move
After carrying out these ideas, and experimenting where these ideas would work, I have decided that the idea of a sand animation using black sand is the best and more effective way to work. This is mainly because after carrying out the experiments and sample, the animation which used black sand worked the best and this is shown in a very effective video.
Experiences with animation
As I have decided on using sand animation I have started to carry out some experiments using black sand, to help get an idea on how long this animation will take to make and what is the best way to create this sand animation title sequence.
First experiments October
Second experiment November
The next experiment which I carried out with black sand also included purple tussie paper which was put between the light box and the black sand. The tussie paper had to be thick enough for the colour purple to be seen though. Although this tussie paper also had to be thine nough for the light to still shine through. However the pricple of this experiment works well, the camara was not be the correct angle to just get the box and sand in the shot. As this is an experiment I thought I would not edit this as this shows how my experiment will dveleop and how the ligth box and sand anaimtion works.
First experiments October
The first experiment I carried out was basic with just a bat appearing in the sand, with the word 'Mpna' appearing under the bat, which were both then covered in sand and moved off the page. This was to test the sand in an animtion form but taking a photo after every bit of sand was moved such as the drawer of a letter in the sand or a part of a bat, such as the half of the wing. This was to work out what would be the best style and theme for the Mona the Vampire title sequence.
I have firstly tried to experiment with black sand as this idea, was drawn to me with the black, spooky style which the black sand would create apose to normal sand. However this could be scary for the younger target audience of children aged 6 to 10 years old. This may mean that the content may be to be toned down, such as just the basic bat could be more effective for the title sequence for a childrens television programme.
I could try and add in different colours to the black sand to lighten the mood of the black sand to appeal to the target audience. Although this would then be a lot like the already existing Mona the Vampire title sequence which is very bright, friendly, colourful and happy with also an up beat song has been used with children singing in the background.
I have firstly tried to experiment with black sand as this idea, was drawn to me with the black, spooky style which the black sand would create apose to normal sand. However this could be scary for the younger target audience of children aged 6 to 10 years old. This may mean that the content may be to be toned down, such as just the basic bat could be more effective for the title sequence for a childrens television programme.
I could try and add in different colours to the black sand to lighten the mood of the black sand to appeal to the target audience. Although this would then be a lot like the already existing Mona the Vampire title sequence which is very bright, friendly, colourful and happy with also an up beat song has been used with children singing in the background.
As you can see from looking at the video of the sand anaimtion experiment which I have carried out is very effective, being plain and simple. As the princleal works well this I think this is going to be the direction I follow for my title sequence. Although this is just a basic experiment as I have not edited any of the images which I have used in this experiment. Though the prinpcle of the word 'Mona' being drawn in the sand when the photos are put together this works well. When carry out another expeierment I would need to edit photos on photoshop before I put them into into windows movie maker, and create the movie.
Wednesday 2nd November
After trying to do a sand animantion with great research I think it is the best way to create a title sequence which is different but also effective. This sand animation idea brings a scary element but with the black sand and movement in a bat shape will bring a lighter element, as there has been research in Mona the Vampire this shows that this childrens programme is not that scary.
Monday 7th November
Third experience
Sunday 6th November
The current theme tune used for the Mona the Vampire is very upbeat with children singing, screaming and laughing in the background. Due tot he black sand aniamtion I have choosen the currrent theme tune would not be suitable as this is not suitable, or spooky enoguh. After carrying out research also after asking 20 people aged 6 to 20 year olds, as the question was asked during within the questionaire of 'What music would you prefer at the end of the Mona the Vampire title sequence?' The results this question were that 50% of people asked thought that spooky music would be more suitable, when using the black sand anaimtion style.
After researching on and researching spooky music I have choose to used the music from the film child's play. This is a spooky eerie music used from a movie from the 90's happy days. This music which there is a samlpe of below works well when thinking about the sand animation which is going to be used with black sand.
After researching on and researching spooky music I have choose to used the music from the film child's play. This is a spooky eerie music used from a movie from the 90's happy days. This music which there is a samlpe of below works well when thinking about the sand animation which is going to be used with black sand.