DVD and Magazine cover layouts

Friday 30th September 

Front cover to a magazine for the series
After looking and researching many different front covers for children's magazines, which has been for the same same, younger children target audience which my title sequence is aimed at and therefore will be at the same target audience for the front cover and DVD cover.

These included a cebbees, bbc animals and the Disney channel magazine cover, which all gave a different perspectus on what appealed to different target audiences. I have concluded that something bright and different could challenge the younger target audience and therefore get the audience interested in the magazine and want you to pick up the magazine.

If I also put another spin on the front cover, weather this is too show the sand animation technique which could be captured in a photo to give a view of what to expect. Although the actual characters would be shown on the front cover, so as soon as the audience looks at the magazine cover, you could know what show this is strainght away for this example Mona the Vampire.

Saturday 1st October 

Drafting of aunxiliay tasks

3 main drafted drawn up ideas of the magazine acover

DVD cover for the series
From reserching on the internet, inlcuding google and well known DVD distributors I have got a real idea about younger childrens DVD covers. From just looking throughtout DVD covers such as the Tweenies and Balamory, you can tell that bright colours are key to draw the attention of the target aduience. The style used is constinally bold shapes as well which draws the audiences attention.

The content from Saved by the Bell, Mona the Vampire and Balamory are very basic with just a simple images of the main charcters and then the background of the location where the television show is set in the background. There are also bearly any words, as the creator has not wanted to confuse the younger aduience.

The DVD cover that I am going to create will challenge the conventions of just a main picture and bold shapes as, there will be a main picture, although since this is Mona the Vampire, which is known for using bright colours, I will just try to use three or four simple colours to draw the viewers attention, as having too many bright colours may look too much, which trying to promote a DVD about vampires. This means that the Mona the Vampire DVD cover, will stand out on the supermarket shelf, next to the other DVD covers, which are all bright bold colours.

dvd cover and magazine covers to compare, changelle and develop ideas
use juar pestion next to exising