In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The main task which I have chosen as being to create a title sequence for en already existing title childrens television show which I choose as Mona the Vampire. The title sequence which I have created develops, changes the forms and the conventions of the original title sequence.This is done in five main areas which are the content, coloursused,music, characters and the overall title sequence lenght.
I have firstly developed and then changelled the colours which are being used in the orginal title sequence. As the colours used are very bright and powerful which mean that theses bright yellow and blue colours which are shown below in the screen grab abelow, which will appeal to the target aduince of 8 to 13. I have changelled this by using the colours of black and white in the sand animtion which I have created, this is because I have decided to used sand animtion which means using alight box which shines a white colour, with black sand which thesym,oblsand shapes are drawn onto and then taken photos of as the symobl is changed to creat a stop anaimtion. The black and white colours are alsopoweful as there are just two main bold colours which will be powerful on the screen and will mean that the 8 to 13 year olds will be attracted to the screen.
Were as the orginal Mona theVampire theme tune also includes singing but this is only of one person singing a repeative song, which is quite bland which is shown below. This theme tune also tries to draw your attention by having a child scream in the first few seconds of the theme tune, to get the aduiens attention, so if they were not watching the telelvison you then will be.
The content of the title sequence has also been chanlleged as it was orginally Mona and there friends at school, which then showed her room, family and the monster and creatoras which she fights. The new title sequence which I have created is symobls which move each of these give a differemnt representation of the show and what is going to be include in the show. These symboles include a coffin which turns into a bat, a swirl which also turns intoa bat and then a swirl, and then finally a bat which turns into a cat, where the word 'Mona' is written from the cat tail.
The meaning of each of the symbols are shown below:
coffin - spookyness of the show reflected as soon as the show appear on telelvsion by the telelvsion by the title sequence
bat - spookyness of the show
cat - Fang the cat
swirl - confusing and different show
Mona - the main theme of the show
The title sequence I created also used developed for example the content has been developed, as the original title sequence introduces all of the main characters. Were as the new title sequence does not it only gives a suggestion of the characters that are going to be in the show such as a cat and a bat, which could be the same thing from just watching the title sequence, as in the title sequence the bat turns into the cat. I first decided to use the bat turning into a cat from carrying out basic animations and make experiments and mock-ups of the animation. As shown below.
I have developed the original title sequence of a cartoon style to the sand animation style as this is interesting and very different to cartoon. Sand animation is when you get a light box, cover it with sand and then make shapes and symbols in the sand, how ever this has to be done bit by bit and then you have to take a photo every time you move or ad an element to the shape. This is so you can then put all of your photos in windows movie marker to make them into a movie and make them move.
Although I have used elements of the original title sequence and developed such as the cat, features heavily in the new sand animation title sequence which shows a development of still keeping one of the most important characters who represents the Mona the Vampire show, which is shown in the new sand animation title sequence with the last image being the cat with the word 'Mona,' being written out of the tail.
Below shows an image of the original title sequence, with Mona and Lily two main characters and school children who feature heavily in the show.
The length of the original title sequence has also been developed when being compared with the new title sequence which is 40 seconds long. The sand animation title sequence is also very slow in movement when you compare it to the original title sequence as there is basic movement which needs to be captured shown in the slower motion, which also makes the title sequence more effected for the sand animation to make it slower rather than make it the speed of the original title sequence which would of been to fast for this style of production of sand animation.
Two ancillary tasks have also been carried out which are a DVD cover and a magazine cover which are also for Mona the Vampire children's television show, so that the title sequence can then be connected and linked.
Firstly the original DVD cover has been developed as the original DVD cover for series one of Mona the Vampire, as shown below, which is an all cartoon, animated DVD cover below. Which includes Mona the main character on the front, with smaller cartoon characters and images from the actually television show.
The new DVD cover has been developed greatly this is mainly due to the development of the title sequence, as sand animation was used in the title sequence the only images I could use was images and photos from the sand animation. As shown below both images used both on the front and back are from the sand animation which I have created and then have been edited using Photoshop. The DVD cover shown below follows the same connections as the original DVD cover, with having a title, text on the back of DVD telling you about the DVD as well as the use of quotas as well as the 'U' rating logo.
The colours of orange, white and black have also been used throughout which are all colours associated with vampire, and the Mona the vampire show, were as originally the colours used on the previous DVD cover was very bright and also only mainly primary colours used. The new DVD cover which I have created is also simple and to the point therefore gives a clear and basic representation of the Mona the Vampire series.
Magazine cover
Firstly the colour theme of magazine cover has been developed and linked with the same colours and sand animation theme used in the DVD cover. This is because when researching magazine covers I could not find any that already had Mona the Vampire on the front, therefore did not have an already existing magazine cover to base the magazine cover that I was going to create on.
Therefore I based the Mona the Vampire magazine cover which I created on the Cbeebies magazine and then challenged the conventions used such as the colours used and text. As this is because Mona the Vampire is a scary and dark show which includes monsters and invisible creators therefore bright colours would not appeal to the audience. Therefore I have challanged this by using black, orange and white as the three main colours used. Which is very different and has shown a development from the Cbeebies magazine to the new Mona the Vampire magazine cover. The Cebeebies magazine cover is shown below.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The image below shows the new Mona the Vampire magazine cover below which has used the new colour theme of orange, black and white. Which reflects the Mona the Vampire series. Not as many images have also been used on the Mona the Vampire magazine cover, as used on the Cebeebies magazine cover. This is because this then means there is more focus on the main image for the Mona the Vampire front cover image of the sand animation. This is because sand animation was used for the new title sequence and is therefore used on the front cover, so the consumer recognized this images which will then draw the consumer to the magazine and then to buy it.
Only basic text is used is a development from only basic words on the Cbeebies magazine cover, this is because there is not as many images on the Mona the Vampire magazine cover therefore more words have to be used so that the audience can know what is in the magazine. Which also features the channel that Mona the Vampire series is featured on CBBC as well as special offers such as 'free poster inside,' which is in a larger font on the top of the font cover as from asking the consumers while creating the magazine cover free items appeal greatly to consumers and make the consumers buy the magazine.