Evaluation: Technology

Wednesday 14th December 

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

There were many different technologies used throughout the constructed of my A2 media advanced portfolio. Which ranged between the research, planning and construction of the Mona the Vampire sand animation title sequence, DVD and magazine cover.

Firstly in the research stages all different forms of media techonoliges have between used including Google to research different types of animation ideas, and already existing DVD and magazine cover which appeal to children aged 6 to 10 which is the same target audience as Mona the Vampire as this is the chosen programme. Youtube would also used to look for already existing title sequence to see what has been effective for children or not. As well as the different styles of animation which could be used to create the new Mona the Vampire title sequence.

To collect the audiences feed back and opinions a survey was create don survey monkey which was sent out to the target audience to get there opinions and feedback about ideas for example about what type of music to have. Which worked well as the survey was created online and then sent out via email, and then the results were emailed straight back to me.

The last of the media products used in the research stages was blogger which has been used to represent all the work for my A2 coursework of my advanced portfolio. As this then helped me to plan were my coursework was going, what needed to be done by when, which is a lot safer than paper  work as this is online therefore is saved to an online system.

A wide range of techonolgies have also been used for the planning stages of the coursework which included blogger to outline what was going to happen with specific ideas, as well as windows movie maker. This was in the planning stages trails and experiments have been taken place of the different styles of sand animation which could have been used. Which meant that these photos would have been put together in windows movie maker, to also to make sure that this process works.

Youtube was also contuniely used to contuniley watch videos which was to pick up techniques and ideas of how to make the Mona the Vampire sand animation title sequence as successful as possible. Along side posting these experiments on youtube, which then made it easier for these videos to be up loaded on this blog.

The construction of both of the anicallry tasks and the title sequence has then taken place, where many different tehonolgiyes have been used. Apart from winodws movie maker which has already been discussed photoshop has then been used to create both the title sequence and aninillary tasks, which worked well as layers can be used to change elements on the DVD and magazine covers. Although there are drawbacks to using photoshop such as if the computers at school, were busy this then mad the photoshop work slower.

As the comptuers to load not enough work was produced in the lessons therefore even more work than excepted was had to carry out in free lessons and at home, only a selected number of school competrs had photoshop therefore making it diffcult to produce alot of work in a lesson.

In the evaultion stages blogger was also used as posts were easy to delete, as well as making sure that the posts were in the correct order.  words on post then get confused and post an emtpy post and loss the work you have just done.Also due to the lack of high quialty techonolgy at school, the videos that we uploaded would not play at school only at home, due to different in soft ware for the computers and what had been restricted.

Overall the three main technological devices used were blogger, which was the most effective as this is a digital way to represent my work, as well as windows movie maker which was the main programme used to create the title sequence otherwise there would of just seen photos. The last was youtube which was continuelly used to research, and to construct the sand animation title sequence